Welcome To Our Evolution: Canada. For Glowing Hearts.

Destination Canada’s brand evolution speaks to the heart and passion of travel.

Destination Canada, the national tourism marketing agency, has tapped into what it means to be Canadian and evolved its consumer brand to inspire even more international travellers to visit Canada.

The new tagline For Glowing Hearts, which was inspired by the national anthem, and a distinctive heart-shaped logo, rooted in the country’s bold red and white iconography, are elements of an evolved brand architecture designed to create a strong emotional connection with travellers.

“Travellers today want more than an experience - they want to be transformed; they want to be moved,” says Ben Cowan-Dewar, Chairperson of Destination Canada’s Board of Directors. “The brand evolution is driven by the belief that travel should change you and Canada will leave a lasting mark on your heart. It is how we share our passion with the world.”

The brand evolution follows a five-year period of transformation for Destination Canada in becoming a more digitally focused, data-driven organization. Extensive market research and industry consultation helped shape the latest journey of the Canada travel brand.

In a competitive global marketplace, Destination Canada is moving Canada from more than a destination on a map to an invitation to connect with Canadians, the land and local culture. In 2018, Canada welcomed a record-breaking 21.1 million international travellers to the country. Of that number, Destination Canada’s work is attributed to 1.39 million arrivals, $1.76 billion in international tourism spending and over 13,000 Canadian jobs.

“We’re going to build off that momentum and create a movement that overcomes apathy and drives international travellers, Canadians and the tourism industry to embrace our destination with passion and with glowing hearts,” says David Goldstein, Destination Canada, President and CEO.

Destination Canada will roll out the brand in its 10 leisure and 5 business events markets in the coming months. Leveraging the tag line, logo and concept of transformational travel, inspired by a pride for being Canadian, elements of the brand will be used to inspire Destination Canada’s content across digital and print platforms.

The new logo will replace the previous consumer-facing logo “Canada Keep Exploring” which had been used for more than 13 years.



Canada is more than a place on the map.
It’s a beacon to the world.
An invitation not just to explore, but to connect.
It’s a calling to discover the marvels of what’s here.
And the potential that’s within each one of us.
Canada is a destination for those with open minds and intrepid spirits.
For the brave.
For the bold.
For the curious.

This is Canada. For Glowing Hearts.

For Glowing Herats logo

We invite our industry, our partners and all Canadians to share in our story. Login to the Brand Canada Library to download the new logo.

Thank you for being part of our story.

Canada. For Glowing Hearts. Brand Playbook

An overview of our brand story and guidelines around brand identity, language, and applications.
Canada. For Glowing Hearts. Brand Playbook

Our logo is a reflection of Canada, a study in movement and evolution rooted in our country’s bold colour and iconography.
Canada logo