
Aboriginal Tourism Research
Research insights related to the Aboriginal tourism industry in Canada.

Tags: United States, Aboriginal Tourism Research
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Access to Information Act and Privacy Act Annual Report

An annual report on the administrations of the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act during each fiscal year

Canada Specialist Program

Tags: Mexico, Canada Specialist Program
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Tags: Canada Specialist Program
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Canada's Business Events Restart Recovery Framework

Tags: Canada's Business Events Restart Recovery Framework
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Canada’s Tourism Renaissance: Our Strategy for Recovery

This document describes Destination Canada’s 3-year plan for recovery and begins to lay foundations for our sector’s future.

Tags: Canada’s Tourism Renaissance: Our Strategy for Recovery
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Canadian Resident Sentiment

Provides an understanding of the level of ‘welcome’ that residents of each province/region are feeling towards visitors.

Tags: Canadian Resident Sentiment
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Canadian Resident Sentiment & Travel Related Measures

These documents provide an understanding of the level of ‘welcome’ that residents of each province/region are feeling towards visitors as well as each province and territories travel related restrictions.

Tags: Canadian Resident Sentiment & Travel Related Measures
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Canadian Signature Experiences

A collection of once-in-a-lifetime travel experiences found only in Canada.

Tags: Canadian Signature Experiences
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Documents related to Destination Canada's corporate functions.

Tags: Corporate
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Corporate Governance

These documents provide an overview of Destination Canada’s corporate governance framework and include enabling legislation, bylaws, code of conduct and committee information.

Tags: Corporate Governance
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COVID-19 Business Events Planner Pulse Check

These documents provide insights into the future of business events in Canada, including key factors and emerging trends influencing the buying cycle and return of business events travel.

Tags: COVID-19 Business Events Planner Pulse Check
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COVID-19 Economic Impacts

Research commissioned from Tourism Economics, which provides an estimate of the impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian tourism sector from a reduction in domestic and international travel.

Tags: COVID-19 Economic Impacts
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COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Report Summary

These documents provide a summary of the situation across all provinces and territories or across Destination Canada's international markets.

Tags: COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Report Summary
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Tags: Global, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Report Summary
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Tags: Annual, Global, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Report Summary
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COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports

Provides Destination Canada's most recent assessment of the impacts of COVID-19 to date.

Tags: COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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Tags: Global, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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Tags: United States, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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Tags: Australia, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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Tags: United Kingdom, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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Tags: China, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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Tags: Bi-weekly, United States, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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Tags: France, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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Tags: Germany, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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Tags: Mexico, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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Tags: Japan, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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Tags: South Korea, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports
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COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports: Methodological Notes

This document provides an explanation of the methodologies and relevant sources used in Destination Canada’s COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports for international markets.

Tags: COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports: Methodological Notes
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Tags: Global, COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Reports: Methodological Notes
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COVID-19 Recovery Signals Framework

Provides the framework that Destination Canada is using to understand where, when, and how recovery could unfold.

Tags: COVID-19 Recovery Signals Framework
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COVID-19 Research

Research publications related to the impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian tourism industry.

Tags: COVID-19 Research
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Culinary Tourism Research

Research studies related to the Canada's culinary tourism industry.

Tags: United States, Culinary Tourism Research
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Tags: United Kingdom, Culinary Tourism Research
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Destination Canada Annual Report

Overview of performance indicators from objectives established the previous year.

Destination Canada’s State of the Industry Updates

These presentations provide updates on the impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian tourism sector.

Tags: Destination Canada’s State of the Industry Updates
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Destination Canada’s Visitor Demand Forecast Updates

These presentations provide updates on the impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian tourism sector.

Tags: Destination Canada’s Visitor Demand Forecast Updates
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Explorer Quotient

Destination Canada's innovative travel market segmentation system

Tags: Explorer Quotient
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Explorer Quotient Case Studies

Examples of Destination Canada partners who have successfully implemented EQ in their business.

Tags: Explorer Quotient Case Studies
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Financial Report

Destination Canada's quarterly financial reports

Global Tourism Watch

Our Global Tourism Watch provides consumer-based intelligence on 10 markets around the world, and in Canada.

Tags: Annual, Australia, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: Japan, Global Tourism Watch
  • Global Tourism Watch - Japan - 2021
    Consumer-based intelligence and key strategic considerations for the tourism market in Japan from our annual Global Tourism Watch study in 2021.
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Tags: United Kingdom, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: France, Global Tourism Watch
  • Global Tourism Watch - France - 2021
    Consumer-based intelligence and key strategic considerations for the tourism market in France from our annual Global Tourism Watch study in 2021.
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Tags: Germany, Global Tourism Watch
  • Global Tourism Watch - Germany - 2021
    Consumer-based intelligence and key strategic considerations for the tourism market in Germany from our annual Global Tourism Watch study in 2021.
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Tags: United States, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: Annual, Mexico, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: Annual, China, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: Annual, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: Annual, Japan, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: Annual, Germany, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: Annual, France, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: Annual, United States, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: Annual, United Kingdom, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: Annual, South Korea, Global Tourism Watch
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Tags: Annual, Global, Global Tourism Watch
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Government Revenue Attributable to Tourism

This 2011 study from Statistics Canada provides estimates of the government revenue directly attributable to tourism.

Tags: Government Revenue Attributable to Tourism
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Market Highlights

A brief, at-a-glance summary of key facts on travellers from each of Destination Canada's key markets.

Market Profile

A comprehensive report providing in-depth insights into each of Destination Canada's markets and recommendations for marketing.

Tags: United Kingdom, Market Profile
  • Market Profile - United Kingdom
    A comprehensive report providing in-depth insights into the tourism market in the United Kingdom and recommendations for marketing.
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Tags: South Korea, Market Profile
  • Market Profile - South Korea
    A comprehensive report providing in-depth insights into the tourism market in South Korea and recommendations for marketing.
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Tags: Mexico, Market Profile
  • Market Profile - Mexico
    A comprehensive report providing in-depth insights into the tourism market in Mexico and recommendations for marketing.
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Tags: Japan, Market Profile
  • Market Profile - Japan
    A comprehensive report providing in-depth insights into the tourism market in Japan and recommendations for marketing.
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Tags: Market Profile
  • Market Profile - India
    A comprehensive report providing in-depth insights into the tourism market in India and recommendations for marketing.
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Tags: Germany, Market Profile
  • Market Profile - Germany
    A comprehensive report providing in-depth insights into the tourism market in Germany and recommendations for marketing.
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Tags: France, Market Profile
  • Market Profile - France
    A comprehensive report providing in-depth insights into the tourism market in France and recommendations for marketing.
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Tags: China, Market Profile
  • Market Profile - China
    A comprehensive report providing in-depth insights into the tourism market in China and recommendations for marketing.
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Tags: Australia, Market Profile
  • Market Profile - Australia
    A comprehensive report providing in-depth insights into the tourism market in Australia and recommendations for marketing.
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Millenial Travel

Program dedicated to the fastest growing travel segment - Millennials

Tags: Millenial Travel
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Millennial Travel Research

Key insights on Canadian and international youth and millennial travel in Canada.

Tags: Millennial Travel Research
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Monthly Overnight Arrivals Infographic

Monthly and annual research infographics covering basic statistics on the state of tourism in Canada.

Monthly Tourism Snapshot Report

Monthly research report covering basic statistics on the state of tourism in Canada.

Personal Information Banks

Summary of Destination Canada's classes of records and personal information banks.

Tags: Personal Information Banks
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Privacy Impact Assessment Summary

Summaries of completed Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)

Tags: Privacy Impact Assessment Summary
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Programs administered by Destination Canada

Tags: United States, Programs
  • Americans Perceptions of Travelling to Canada - July 2021
    The insights of this study helps to guide marketing messaging around safety and ease of travelling and highlights key points that can potentially influence Americans’ perceptions of COVID 19 barriers for travelling to Canada.
  • Vacations of the Brave fact sheet
    An original eight-part travel series that aims to motivate travellers to set out on their own transformational journeys of adventure, inspiration and self-discovery in Canada.
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Quarterly Tourism Snapshot

An ongoing monitor of the performance of Canada’s tourism sector.


Documents related to primary and secondary research from Destination Canada's Consumer & Market Intelligence team and partners.

Tags: Annual, Research
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Tags: Research
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Resources for Canadian tourism destination marketers

Tags: Resources
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Tags: United States, Resources
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Ski Tourism Research
Research insights on Canada's ski industry and what motivates international travellers to choose Canada as their next ski destination.

Tags: China, Ski Tourism Research
  • China Ski Study Survey Research Report 2012
    Report on the survey research portion of this 2012 study providing key insights to help better understand China’s ski market and its potential for Canada, British Columbia, and Alberta.
  • China Ski Study Summary 2012
    Summary report from this 2012 study providing key insights to help better understand China’s ski market and its potential for Canada, British Columbia, and Alberta.
  • China Ski Study Desk Research Report 2012
    Report on the desk research portion of this 2012 study providing key insights to help better understand China’s ski market and its potential for Canada, British Columbia, and Alberta.
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Tourism Corridor Strategy Program

Tags: Tourism Corridor Strategy Program
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Tags: Annual, Tourism Corridor Strategy Program
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Tourism in Canada

This document outlines key tourism facts and provides an overview of the impact of tourism on the Canadian economy.

Tags: Annual, Tourism in Canada
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Tags: Tourism in Canada
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Tourism Snapshot Arrivals by Province

Estimated tourist arrival counts from countries other than the United States entering Canada, by province of entry (source: Statistics Canada, Frontier Counts)

Tourism Snapshot Total International Arrivals

Available international arrivals data from January 1972 to present.

Tags: Monthly, Tourism Snapshot Total International Arrivals
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Tags: Tourism Snapshot Total International Arrivals
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Tourism Spend Early Indicators

Quarterly early indicator visitor spend data covering 22 tourism regions, six spend categories and 11 world regions of origin.

Tags: Quarterly, Tourism Spend Early Indicators
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Tourism Spend Final Indicators

Quarterly final indicator visitor spend data available in two sets released together – first covering 20 tourism regions and 11 world regions of origin and second covering six spend categories and 11 world regions of origin.

Tourism Strategy

Tags: Tourism Strategy
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Tourism's Big Shift: Key Trends Shaping the Future of Canada’s Tourism Industry

The report identifies the key trends that will have the greatest impact on the travel and tourism industry in Canada in the next one to three years.

Tags: Tourism's Big Shift: Key Trends Shaping the Future of Canada’s Tourism Industry
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Travel and Hospitality Expenses

Travel and hospitality expenses of the Board Chair, the President & CEO and the senior management team reported by quarter

Tags: Travel and Hospitality Expenses
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Tags: Monthly, Travel and Hospitality Expenses
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Tags: Annual, Travel and Hospitality Expenses
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Tags: Quarterly, Travel and Hospitality Expenses
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US Sentiment for Travel to Canada

This report shares Destination Canada's latest research on Americans’ travel demand for Canada and sentiment towards travel to Canada.

Tags: United States, US Sentiment for Travel to Canada
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Visitor Economy

This report is intended to stimulate discussion about the structure, performance and potential of the sector, and introduce possible avenues to grow Canada's visitor economy.

Tags: Visitor Economy
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Year-in-Review Overnight Arrivals Infographic

Annual infographic highlighting arrivals to Canada from Destination Canada’s key international markets.

Year-in-Review Tourism Snapshot Report

Annual tourism statistics and insights from Destination Canada's core international markets.