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A woman stands on a TED talk stage giving a speech to an audience.

TED@Destination Canada

TED@Destination Canada

OPEN | TED@DestinationCanada | TED theatre, NYC | February 23, 2023

Photo credit: Ryan Lash/TED

Destination Canada and TEDExternal Link Title are collaborating to create TED@DestinationCanada, producing 14 TED Talks from the brightest speakers, best storytellers and biggest changemakers connected to Canada.

Earlier this year, people from across Canada and beyond submitted their interest to be a part of TED@DestinationCanada. After the application deadline closed, TED reviewed all submissions and have now selected the 14 incredible speakers who will take the stage at the TED Theater in New York City on February 23, 2023.

On behalf of Destination Canada and TED, a heartfelt thank you to all applicants for their interest.

What’s next?

The selected speakers are now working with TED in advance of the talks being recorded at the TED Theater in New York City on February 23, 2023. The speaker names and topics will be shared closer to that date.

When can I hear the talks?

The talks will be released on TED and Destination Canada’s website and video channels starting in April 2023.

We will be updating this page on a regular basis, so please check back for the latest information on TED@DestinationCanada. Until then, if you have any questions, please contact:


Updated October 18, 2022