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Destination Canada Welcomes the Honourable Liza Frulla as New Chairperson of the Board of Directors

Destination Canada Welcomes the Honourable Liza Frulla as New Chairperson of the Board of Directors

Destination Canada is pleased to welcome the Honourable Liza Frulla, PC CM OQ as the new Chairperson of our Board of Directors effective August 6, 2021. 

Ms. Frulla has been CEO and Director of the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ) since 2015. 

In 2018 and 2019 she was a member of the Advisory Council on Jobs and the Visitor Economy whose recommendations played an important role in the development of Creating Middle Class Jobs: A Federal Tourism Growth StrategyExternal Link Title.  

In her rich career, Ms. Frulla had been a federal minister, a provincial minister in Québec and she made a significant contribution to the Canadian arts and culture sector.  

We want to thank Monique Gomel for her exceptional leadership and valuable contributions during her time as interim Chair of the Board of Directors. Monique will continue in her role as Vice-Chair of our Board of Directors, providing expertise in her role as a Director of our Board.  

As a respected leader in Canada, we look forward to working closely with Ms. Frulla and our esteemed Board of Directors to accelerate our industry’s recovery, strengthen Canada’s competitiveness in business and leisure travel, while also building long-term resilience for the Canadian tourism sector. 

For more information on the appointment, including the official announcement from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, click hereExternal Link Title.  


Posted: 2021-8-13